Nel 1950 la famiglia Paolelli begins to collaborate with some master craftsmen expert in the creation of hand-modeled garden artistic artefacts. Thanks to this collaboration, the company is founded Italgarden in Rignano Flaminio (Roma) che nel corso degli anni si afferma in tutto il mondo per il pregio superiore dei propri prodotti, nei quali si riflette tutta l’esperienza, la passione e la vena artistica delle maestranze. A seguito di varie evoluzioni in ambito societario nasce nel 2005 la Paolelli Garden srl che si presenta sul mercato con il marchio e con i prodotti della tradizionale linea Italgarden mantenendo inalterati i livelli di pregio e qualità da sempre conosciuti e apprezzati in tutto il mondo.
Paolelli Garden srl is composed of a qualified staff of technicians and collaborators who have allowed the company, with their competence and ability, to establish itself on the national and international market, allowing stable and continuous relationships with customers. Together with its own production in reconstituted stone, our company also offers similar products such as terracotta and fiber-clay vases, providing customers with a wide and assorted offer.
The great experience together with an efficient organization allow Paolelli Garden to make fast deliveries even of small quantities everywhere and in every period of the year. Paolelli Garden attentive to the current trends of garden furniture offers a collection that goes from classic to contemporary taste, making your gardens and terraces exclusive and refined environments.